
Acne is not just unhealthy skin and texture. Also, it can not be treated just by skincare. The problem of acne is much more than these two aspects. There are numerous of reasons why a person suffers from acne and pimples and there are many harms and issues a person suffering from too much acne faces like painful pimples, low self esteem, low confidence, appearance issues, social anxiety, too much irritation due to sunlight, dust and pollution, etc. 

Reasons of Acne: Why someone have too much acne on his/ her skin-

Every person’s skin and body are unique and have different needs. That is why, the reasons for acne and skin problems can also be different in every person. There are some major reasons for unhealthy, irritated skin and acne in a person:-

Poor Hygiene

Hygiene is directly inclined with skin health. Sometimes, people do not clean their faces regularly, dont;t remove their makeup before going to bed, go into places full of dirt and pollution and then do not wash their faces effectively after that. All these unhygienic habits cause clogged pores and breakouts on the skin. 

Hormonal disbalance

Hormones cause acne the most. Hormonal disbalance is very common among people nowadays and it can be caused because of a variety of reasons like puberty, pregnancy, menstrual periods, birth control pills, or stress.


What we eat not only affects our organs health but also our skin. Eating too much oily, sugary and processed foods is like a curse for the skin. With this, if a person’s diet is not well balanced, it will lack some crucial nutrients that are very important for the body in order to have healthy skin and less to no acne. 


Disturbed and no proper sleep causes many of the problems like hormonal disbalance, stress, anxiety, health issues, unbalanced diet, slow metabolism, etc., and all these factors later on causes skin problems and acne. 

What a Person Consumes Matters: Supplements That Help With Reducing Acne and Improving Skin Condition- 

As mentioned above, diet and what we eat affects our body, hormones and skin health and balance. People often focus a lot on macro nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, fats, etc., in their diets and make sure that these are in proper quantity in their diet and daily meals. However, which gets unnoticed is the value of micro-  nutrients. 

Yes! A human body needs some nutrients in a very small quantity, but the quantity does not state the importance of these nutrients for a person’s body. Even so, the need is still less for these nutrients to perform simple to complex activities. Even the macro nutrients need the support of the micro nutrients to do their desired tasks for the body. Remember, the work of water can only be done by water, you can’t replace it with juice and expect the same health effects. In the same way, you can’t replace the role of micro- nutrients from the body with macro nutrients, even though micro nutrients are required in smaller quantities, they are still irreplaceable. 

Thus, there are some micro nutrients and supplements a human body need to have healthy skin and maintain balance in the body in order to prevent acne and improve skin health:-


Selenium is a lesser known no- metal nutrient that does wonders for the human body. It has a lot of antioxidants that help in preventing breakouts. The nutrient also prevents cancer, improves the immune system, improves heart health, etc. The sources of selenium are vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onions, meats, poultry, eggs, seafood, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fat-free and low-fat milk, yogurt,cheese, etc.

However, if you are taking selenium supplements by means of tablets or capsules, it is very important to consult a doctor first and then get a prescription for tracking selenium supplements. 


Gut health and skin health are interconnected. A strong gut health leads to strong metabolism, digestion and better skin health. Thus, gut health needs to be improved in order to get better skin and probiotics are the king in this field. 


Zinc is a metal nutrient required by the body for growth and development in various aspects of the body. It also has anti- inflammatory properties that help in easing acne and reducing inflammation on the skin. It can also decrease excess oil production on the skin. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has lots of benefits for a person’s body but in context to skin health it provides anti- oxidants to the body that reduces the effects of radicals on skin and it also reduces cellular damage and slows down the skin’s aging.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known as sunshine vitamin because of its major  source being sunlight. This vitamin is packed with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that are very essential for a healthy looking skin. 


Magnesium is that one nutrient that has its own role in various biochemical happenings in a human body. Without it, many of the body functions can get disturbed. Magnesium brings hormonal balance in the body and reduces the excess cortisol secretion. 


Researchers have established a relationship between omega fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 and acne issues. These omegas have anti- inflammatory properties, help in strengthening the skin, control hormonal levels, manage stress and reduce sebum production. 

Improving diet, sleep, hormonal balance is a solution but sometimes taking help from a professional can bring fast and effective results. All you need is to search for a dermatology clinic near me and get consultation and guidance for the approach to improve your skin health.